The 1st Research Announcement on Earth Observation
About the first Earth Observation Research Announcement
The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)/Earth Observation Research Center (EORC) have been conducting research announcements (RA) for each earth observation satellite project. Since Japanese fiscal year 2015, EORC started to promote research to focus our attention to “Earth Observation Priority Research”.
Under these circumstances, EORC newly calls for the Earth Observation RA based on the following philosophy.
- EORC reorganizes the RA plan that has been conducted under each satellite project, and summarize to one “Earth Observation RA”. In this way, EORC will enhance multidisciplinary application research using satellite data.
- The categories of the Earth Observation RA consist of “Product Development Research” and “Application Research” (including Earth Observation Priority Research for locking our sight on future earth observation).
JAXA will conduct the “1st Research Announcement on the Earth Observations” for research activities from next Japanese fiscal year.
In the 1st Research Announcement on the Earth Observations, JAXA solicits product development researches (algorithm development, calibration and validation) of the Global Change Observation Mission – Water “SHIZUKU” (GCOM-W) and, applied research for each satellite projects and Earth Observation Priority Research.
On the other hand, JAXA continues the research announcement of Advanced Land Observing Satellite-2 (ALOS-2), Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM)/Precipitation Measuring Mission (PMM) and Global Change Observation Mission (GCOM) which have been already adopted in Japanese fiscal year 2016 and also continues Earth Clouds, Aerosols and Radiation Explorer (EarthCARE) under the current research framework.
Research Proposals
RA details and forms for proposals can be downloaded from the following link. Please read carefully the contents before your application. Proposals with complete sets of attachments, such as reprints of papers, should be converted to PDF file and sent via E-mail to the Earth Observation RA Office. Proposers who experience difficulty in downloading the documents may contact Earth Observation RA Office for assistance.
RA details and forms for proposals can be downloaded from the following:
- RA details
- Appendix A,B,C
document(h) - Appendix 1,2,3,4,5
document(j) - Notice of Amendments to the Research Agreements
Please click this URL and input form to apply the 1st RA on Earth Observation(closed)
The deadline for submitting proposals is November 15, 2016.
Contact Information
Earth Observation RA Office
Earth Observation Research Center
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
2-1-1, Sengen, Tsukuba-shi, Ibaraki, 305-8505, JAPAN
FAX : +81-29-868-2961
The fourth Research Announcement on the Earth Observations
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Issue of the 2nd Research Announcement on the Earth Observations
The 1st Research Announcement on Earth Observation
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The Joint PI Meeting of JAXA Earth Observation Missions FY2021
The Joint PI Meeting of JAXA Earth Observation Missions FY2020
The Joint PI Meeting of JAXA Earth Observation Missions FY2019
The Joint PI Meeting of JAXA Earth Observation Missions FY2018