The Joint PI Meeting of JAXA Earth Observation Missions FY2020
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) will hold the Joint PI Meeting of JAXA Earth Observation Missions FY2020 as below. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it has been decided that we will have online meeting this time.
Main objectives of the meeting are review of the yearly results from Principal Investigators (PIs) of JAXA Global Environmental Observation Missions, GCOM-W, AMSR3, GCOM-C, PMM, EarthCARE, ALOS-2, ALOS-3, ALOS-4, MOLI, and encouragement of collaboration among those science groups. We considered the time schedule carefully so that many foreign participants could join, also fixed the sessions avoiding overlap. For this purpose, many sessions start from morning or evening and the term of the meeting is longer than usual. Poster sessions are also scheduled in order to share the research results as much as possible. Participants are mainly limited to PIs and CIs.
Joint Plenary Sessions are scheduled on January 18 and 19, 2021. Mission explanation and status report will be given from JAXA satellite project managers and international partners. The session theme is observation of Aerosol, Clouds, Convection and Precipitation (ACCP) and integrated process understanding. PIs and CIs, we are waiting for your registration and participation.
Project Sessions of Each Satellite |
– Dates December 17-23, 2020 / January 13-22, 2021 * For more details, please refer to [ Program and Registration ] page below. Time: 9:00–12:30 (JST: UTC+9h), 14:00–19:00 (JST: UTC+9h) * Extra talks will be announced separately. – Meeting Format WEB Meeting and WEB Poster Sessions. ■Participants PIs and CIs (Pre-registration is necessary) |
Joint Plenary Sessions | – Dates / Time January 18, 2021 16:00-18:00 (JST: UTC+9h)(1) January 19, 2021 9:00-11:00 (JST: UTC+9h)(2) – Contents (1) Plenary Session: Overall status of JAXA Earth observation and Satellite Projects (2) Theme Session: Observation of Aerosol, Clouds, Convection and Precipitation (ACCP) and integrated process understanding. The discussion for integrated process understanding and refinement of global water cycle through ACCP is planned in this session. – Meeting Format WEB conference – Participants PIs and CIs (Pre-registration is necessary) |
Please visit the following website and complete your registration. (The registration deadline is November 30th.) Login ID/Password of the session will be announced later.
【Program and Registration】
Registration and Meeting have been closed.
The presentation materials from the Plenary Session and ACCP Session held on January 18-19, 2021, are available as below.
■Plenary Session Presentation Materials [January 18, 2021]
Contents | Speaker | Affiliation | |
1 | Greetings(video) | TERADA Koji | JAXA |
2 | JAXA’s Earth Observation Program | HIRABAYASHI Takeshi | JAXA/EORC |
3 | Satellite Observations for the Science and Impact of Global Warming | HAYASAKA Tadahiro | JAXA/EORC |
4 | GCOM-C Update | TANAKA Kazuhiro | JAXA/GCOM |
5 | Status of GCOM-W & GOSAT-GW/AMSR3 | KACHI Misako | JAXA/EORC |
6 | JAXA GPM Update | KUBOTA Takuji | JAXA/EORC |
7 | EarthCARE/CPR Update | OKADA Kazuyuki | JAXA/EarthCARE |
8 | ALOS-2 Update | SOBUE Shinichi | JAXA/ALOS-2 |
9 | ALOS-3 Update | WATARAI Hidenori | JAXA/ALOS-3 |
10 | ALOS-4 Update | MIURA Satoko | JAXA/ALOS-4 |
11 | GOSAT and GOSAT-2 update | KUZE Akihiko | JAXA/GOSAT |
12 | The Status of Vegetation Lidar MOLI | IMAI Tadashi | JAXA/SSRG |
■ACCP Session Presentation Materials [January 19, 2021]
Contents | Speaker | Affiliation | |
1 | Japan’s Satellite Missions toward the Synergetic Understanding of Aerosol, Cloud, and Precipitation | Riko Oki | JAXA |
2 | Precipitation Science from Space and Synergy with Aerosol, Clouds and Climate Studies | Yukari N. Takayabu | The Univ. of Tokyo |
3 | Exploiting the AMSR Instruments for Aerosol, Cloud, and Precipitation Sciences in Synergy with Current and Future Satellite Missions | Hirohiko Masunaga | Nagoya University |
4 | Recent advances in satellite-based aerosol-cloud studies with implications for global modeling | Kentaroh Suzuki | The Univ. of Tokyo |
5 | Current Status of the Aerosol-Clouds-Convection-Precipitation (ACCP) Decadal Survey Study | Scott A. Braun | NASA |
The fourth Research Announcement on the Earth Observations
Issue of the 3rd Research Announcement on the Earth Observations
Issue of the 2nd Research Announcement on the Earth Observations
The 1st Research Announcement on Earth Observation
FY2024 The Joint PI Meeting of JAXA Earth Observation Missions
FY2023 The Joint PI Meeting of JAXA Earth Observation Missions
The Joint PI Meeting of JAXA Earth Observation Missions FY2022
The Joint PI Meeting of JAXA Earth Observation Missions FY2021
The Joint PI Meeting of JAXA Earth Observation Missions FY2020
The Joint PI Meeting of JAXA Earth Observation Missions FY2019
The Joint PI Meeting of JAXA Earth Observation Missions FY2018