Description |
This site provides global rainfall status observed by using GPM Core Observatory etc. It shows you rainfall status of few days basis or monthly basis.
URL | https://sharaku.eorc.jaxa.jp/GSMaP_CLM/index.htm |
Research Field | Weather, Atmosphere, Water cycle |
Application | Weather forecast, Disaster, Agriculture, Education |
Product | Mean Precipitation, Extreme Rainfall and Drought Index (Standardized Precipitation Index; SPI) |
Format | Web map, Binary data |
Area | The whole world (Latitude 60S-60N) |
Period | April 2000 – now |
Spatial Resolution | 0.1 degree latitude/longitude |
Temporal Resolution | Every day |
Terms of Use | This policy is applied. Additionally, not specified items are confirmed to this policy. |
Tags | Rainfall, Atmosphere, GPM Core Observatory, SHIZUKU (GCOM-W), TRMM, Multiple Satellites (GSMaP), Disaster, Weather, Global, Asia, Around Japan, Low Resolution, Daily, Web Map, Download, Education, Commercial Use Allowed (Free of charge), For beginner, Typhoon, Hurricane and Cyclone, Drought |