Description | This site provides global observation results by GCOM-C/Second generation GLobal Imager(SGLI) |
URL | https://www.eorc.jaxa.jp/JASMES/SGLI_STD/ |
Research Field | Land, Sea, Snow and sea ice |
Application | Agriculture, Fishery, Energy, Air pollution monitoring |
Product | Land Surface Temperature, Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, Sea Surface Temperature, Chlorophyll-a Concentration, Aerosol Optical Thickness, etc. |
Format | PNG image |
Area | The whole world, Around Japan |
Period | November 2018 – now |
Spatial Resolution | 250m – 5km |
Temporal Resolution | Every day, Every 8 days, Every month |
Terms of Use | This policy is applied. Additionally, not specified items are confirmed to this policy. |
Tags | SHIKISAI (GCOM-C), Land, Atmosphere, Ocean and Sea, Ice and Snow, Fishery, Energy, Global, Asia, Around Japan, Daily, Multiple Satellites (JASMES), Middle Resolution, Download, Commercial Use Allowed (Free of charge), Forest Fire |