

RIKEN Nowcast

Description This site provides global rainfall status observed by using GPM Core Observatory etc. It shows you rainfall forecast up to next 6 hours from now.
Research Field Weather, Atmosphere, Water cycle
Application Weather forecast, Disaster, Agriculture, Education, Sightseeing
Product Global rainfall data set using multiple satellites
Format Web map, Binary data
Area The whole world (Latitude 60S-60N). However, forecast data around Japan may not be provided depending on the time.
Period Within 16 days
Spatial Resolution 0.1 degree latitude/longitude
Temporal Resolution Every hour
Terms of Use This policy is applied. Additionally, not specified items are confirmed to this policy.
Tags Rainfall, Atmosphere, GPM Core Observatory, SHIZUKU (GCOM-W), TRMM, Multiple Satellites (GSMaP), Disaster, Weather, Global, Asia, Around Japan, Low Resolution, Daily, Web Map, Commercial Use Allowed (Free of charge), Download, Typhoon, Hurricane and Cyclone

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