Description | This site provides global observation images and data by Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer (AMSR) series on board GCOM-W etc. Available in near-real-time, visualization and download with user customize. |
URL | https://www.eorc.jaxa.jp/AMSR/viewer/index_e.html |
Research Field | Water cycle, Sea, Snow and sea ice, Atmosphere |
Application | Fishery, Climate change research |
Product | Sea Surface Temperature, Sea Surface Wind Speed, Land Surface Temperature, Snow Depth, Soil Moisture Content, Precipitation, Total Precipitable Water, Cloud Liquid Water, Sea Ice Concentration, Detection of Thin Sea Ice |
Format | PNG image, Time Series Graph image and CSV data |
Area | The whole world |
Period | June 2002 – now |
Spatial Resolution | 0.1 degree latitude/longitude |
Temporal Resolution | Every day |
Terms of Use | This policy is applied. |
Tags | SHIZUKU (GCOM-W), Daily, Ocean and Sea, Land, Atmosphere, Ice and Snow, Fishery, Global, Asia, Around Japan, Low Resolution, Web Map, Download, For beginner, Commercial Use Allowed (Free of charge) |