Meet the CEOS Executive Officer team

For the first time, the CEOS executive office is being led by a team instead of one person. At the 2022 Plenary, according to a rotation of responsibilities in terms of ensuring CEO support, Europe agreed to take its turn to provide for this position. EUMETSAT and ESA agreed to take responsibility for the time period of 2024-2027, and organised a consortium of European Agencies to contribute towards the cost.

Following an extensive tender process, EUMETSAT selected Steven Ramage (Réseau Consulting) and Lefteris Mamais (Evenflow) to jointly support the role for 2024-2025, with a possibility to extend for another 2-years. Steven is the CEOS Executive Officer (CEO), with CEO support provided by Lef and his team, notably Irena Drakopoulou who has been compiling inputs to the CEOS Work Plan and supporting other activities in collaboration with Lef and Steven.

The CEO team has the responsibility to collaborate with Working Groups, Virtual Constellations and others to ensure contributions and track deliverables for the CEOS Work Plan. In addition, the CEO team supports the CEOS Chair and Strategic Implementation Team (SIT) Chair, including representing CEOS at meetings of CEOS partners and stakeholders upon request of the CEOS Chair and CEOS SIT Chair. The team also works closely with the CEOS Systems Engineering Office (SEO) on topics ranging from cloud-native geospatial applications to communication of CEOS community activities (refer to CEOS CEO Terms of Reference).

The CEO is a member of the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) Programme Board addressing GEO Work Programme activities in support of the CEOS SIT Chair. The CEO recently represented CEOS at the GEO Symposium and Open Data Open Knowledge workshop in Hangzhou, China.

CEO team at CEOS Plenary in Montreal, CANADA

Regular engagement and communication with the CEOS Working Groups has been very important in terms of supporting the CEOS Work Plan, but also for understanding in greater depth the extensive contributions to CEOS by space agencies and other stakeholders.

The CEO team is responsible for updating events on the CEOS website, so the team is always interested in updates from the community for forward planning and to include international events on the CEOS website. The same is true for the CEOS mailing and contact lists, so please let them know about any changes in your contacts for CEOS.






Steven Ramage
CEOS Executive Offier